What, no Goggle Maps!. The original lunar map used by Apollo 11.
A great display located in the Apollo and Saturn V Center showcases the development and evolution of the spacesuit.
Space unit used by Apollo 14 Commander Alan Shepard.
Lunar Sample 15058.187.023. Apollo 15 mission: July 26-August 7, 1971.
Apollo 8 Crew.
During the heyday of Apollo missions, Walter Cronkite was a familiar face on CBS explaining the magic behind NASA's endeavors.
Actual Apollo 8 Firing Room (mission control). Notice the countdown clock is only minutes away from the actual 7:51:00 Eastern Standard Time launch time.
Replica of the solid rocket boosters at the entrance to the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit.
We were thankful with the presence of former astronaut, Ken Cameron, during our "Fly with an Astronaut" tour. It was apropos because Ken had flown two of the Space Shuttle Atlantis' 33 flights: STS-37 (pilot) and STS-74 (Commander). Mission STS-37 was the thirty-ninth NASA Space Shuttle mission (Atlantis' eighth flight), while STS-74 was the fourth mission of the US/RUSSIAN Shuttle-MIR Program and the second time the Space Shuttle docked with the MIR. The MIR was a low Earth orbit Russian space station. Ken also was the Commander of the STS-56 Space Shuttle Discovery mission, lifting off from Launch Pad 39B on April 8, 1993.