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Kennedy Space Center


Located on Merritt Island, the KSC has been NASA’s primary launch site for human space flight since 1968. Apollo, Skylab and the Shuttle missions were conducted at the site, and especially at Launch Complex 39 (LC-39). Made up of three separate launch sub-complexes, LC-39A, LC-39B and LC-39C, and built for the powerful Saturn V rocket, LC-39A was the launch site for Apollo 11 and the first and last Space Shuttle missions. Today, the historic LC-39A is leased to SpaceX, and already has continued to write much more space exploration history from the launch complex.

The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the history of the space program through exhibits, tours, displays, shows, presentations, and plenty of spacecraft and memorabilia. Your first impression might just be the enormity of all the rocket hardware that left earth’s gravity, and if lucky enough, you just may be around for a current rocket launch.

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Standing at 30 feet high and 98 feet long, over six million LED pixels greet visitors at the entrance with immesnse content, live video and even event messaging.

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Rocket Garden.

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Mercury 7 Astronauts.

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International Space Station mural.

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Mercury 7 Astronauts.

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Alan Shepard: First American to travel into space and fifth and oldest person to walk on the moon.

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Southern Tour
Southern Tour
Southern Tour
Sitting above a variety of memorabilia displays and educational kioskes (seen on page 2) is a Redstone rocket wearing the Mercury Sigma 7 space capsule at its nose.

Southern Tour
Attached to the Redstone rocket is the Sigma 7, the space capsule home of Wally Schirra who orbited the earth six times (Oct. 3, 1962.

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Spending over nine hours in the Sigma 7, Wally Schirra doubled the distance traveled by previous U,S. astronaut missions.